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Workflow polymorphism

Let's start with some basic imports that will be required for the whole demonstration:

import zio._
import zio.temporal._
import zio.temporal.workflow._
import zio.temporal.failure.{ApplicationFailure, ChildWorkflowFailure}

Workflow Interfaces with common parent​

Imagine you need multiple workflows with the same interface. For instance, a notification sender.
Possible implementations could be an SMS notification sender & Push notification sender.

Let's start by defining the workflow interface:

// Intentionally not adding @workflowInterface annotation
trait NotificationsSenderWorkflow {
// BUT the @workflowMethod annotation is here
def send(msg: String): Unit

Few notes here:

  • By default, the Workflow Type name is the workflow interface's simple name.
    • The name is taken from the trait annotated with @workflowInterface
  • Do not specify an alternative name in @workflwoMethod. It's not possible to override the name later

Then, an additional step is required for this kind of polymorphism to work.
We must define more "concrete" workflow interfaces:

// NOTE: must have a @workflowInterface annotation
trait SmsNotificationsSenderWorkflow extends NotificationsSenderWorkflow

// NOTE: must have a @workflowInterface annotation
trait PushNotificationsSenderWorkflow extends NotificationsSenderWorkflow

The names for such Workflows would be SmsNotificationsSenderWorkflow and PushNotificationsSenderWorkflow.

Then we can implement those workflows. First, SMS notifications workflow:

class SmsNotificationsSenderWorkflowImpl extends SmsNotificationsSenderWorkflow {
private val logger = ZWorkflow.makeLogger

override def send(msg: String): Unit = {"SMS sent: $msg")

Then, the Push notifications workflows

class PushNotificationsSenderWorkflowImpl extends PushNotificationsSenderWorkflow {
private val logger = ZWorkflow.makeLogger

override def send(msg: String): Unit = {
// just for demo purposes
if (msg.contains("fail")) {
throw ApplicationFailure.newFailure("Booom!", "PushFailure")
}"PUSH sent: $msg")

With such a setup, let's demonstrate few usages

Client side polymorphic invocation​

def basicExecute[W <: NotificationsSenderWorkflow](stub: ZWorkflowStub.Of[W]): TemporalIO[Unit] = {
ZIO.logInfo("Executing notifications workflows") *>
ZWorkflowStub.execute(stub.send("Hello, world!"))

// Execute the client-side code
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[ZWorkflowClient] { client =>
for {
// Create stubs
pushWorkflow <- client.newWorkflowStub[PushNotificationsSenderWorkflow](

smsWorkflow <- client.newWorkflowStub[SmsNotificationsSenderWorkflow](

// Execute the first workflow and recover to the second one
_ <- basicExecute(pushWorkflow) orElse basicExecute(smsWorkflow)
} yield ()


  • Specify the upper-bound for the workflow interface
  • Use ZWorkflowStub.Of wrapper type

Child workflow polymorphic invocation:​

trait NotificationChildBasedWorkflow {
def send(msg: String): Unit

class NotificationChildBasedWorkflowImpl extends NotificationChildBasedWorkflow {
private val logger = ZWorkflow.makeLogger
private val workflowId =

// Using base Workflow type here
private val senders: List[ZChildWorkflowStub.Of[NotificationsSenderWorkflow]] =

override def send(msg: String): Unit = {
// Try each sender
senders.foldLeft(false) {
case (sent @ true, _) => sent
case (_, sender) =>
try {
// try to send"Trying ${sender.stubbedClass}...")
} catch {
// try the next sender if failed
case _: ChildWorkflowFailure =>


  • Use the base interface as the stub type
  • Use ZWorkflowStub.Of wrapper type