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What's zio.temporal.internal.StubProxies$IllegalStubProxyInvocationException?​

An exception like this one

zio.temporal.internal.StubProxies$IllegalStubProxyInvocationException: interface com.example.payments.workflows.PaymentActivity methods should not be invoked at runtime!
It's likely that you forgot to wrap Workflow/Activity calls
into ZWorkflowStub.execute/ZActivityStub.execute blocks, etc.
Method was invoked: public abstract com.example.transactions.TransactionView com.example.payments.workflows.PaymentActivity.proceed(com.example.transactions.ProceedTransactionCommand) throws com.example.payments.workflows.BankError

Actually means what it says: you forgot to wrap Workflow or Activity interaction.
Reminder: you must always wrap the workflow/activity interactions into ZWorkflowStub.execute, ZActivityStub.execute, ZWorkflowStub.signal, ZWorkflowStub.query methods, etc.

  • The ZWorkflowStub.Of[A], ZChildWorkflowStub.Of[A], ZActivityStub.Of[A], etc. are all compile-time stubs, so their method invocations are only valid in compile-time
  • Scala's method invocation would be re-written into an untyped Temporal's activity invocation

Typical problems when using zio-temporal-testkit with zio-test​

Test clock doesn't work well​

If test is failing with such an error:

ERROR i.t.t.TestActivityEnvironmentInternal - Timeout trying execute activity task task_token: "test-task-token"

Try to look for ZIO warnings like this one:

Warning: A test is using time, but is not advancing the test clock, which may result in the test hanging. Use TestClock.adjust to manually advance the time.

It is likely that the Activity code is running ZIO with ZIO.sleep.
In a combination with Temporal and zio-test, it may hang due to TestClock.

You can easily fix it by replacing TestClock with a real one:

test("my test") {
} @@ TestAspect.withLiveClock // Add the aspect

ZIO-Temporal uses Scala macros heavily. How to inspect the generated code?​

Add the following VM parameter to SBT:


It will print the generated code. For example:

[info] -- Info: /Users/vitaliihonta/IdeaProjects/zio-temporal/integration-tests/src/test/scala/zio/temporal/WorkflowSpec.scala:213:25 
[info] 213 | thirdSnapshot <- ZWorkflowStub.query(
[info] | ^
[info] |Generated query invocation tree=_root_.zio.temporal.internal.TemporalInteraction.from[scala.collection.immutable.List[scala.Predef.String]](zio.temporal.internal.TemporalWorkflowFacade.query[scala.collection.immutable.List[scala.Predef.String]](workflowStub.toJava, "messages", scala.Nil)(ctg$proxy8))
[info] 214 | workflowStub.messages
[info] 215 | )

Typed and Untyped method names​

For some reason, workflow-related methods (@signalMethod, @queryMethod) are registered as is in Temporal,
while activity method are registered capitalized.

For instance, having the following activity interface:

import zio.temporal._
import zio.temporal.activity._

trait EchoActivity {
def echo(what: String): String

trait EchoWorkflow {
def echoWorkflow(what: String): String

def signalSomething(): Unit

The activity name in untyped invocation must be Echo (not echo):

import zio._
import zio.temporal.workflow._

class EchoWorkflowImpl extends EchoWorkflow {
// Inside some workflow
private val activity: ZActivityStub.Untyped =

override def echoWorkflow(what: String): String = {
activity.execute[String]("Echo", what)

override def signalSomething(): Unit = {
// Do nothing, it's just for demo purposes

On the other hand, an untyped workflow signal must be invoked with the same lower-cased name:

ZIO.serviceWithZIO[ZWorkflowClient] { workflowClient =>
for {
echoWorkflow <- workflowClient.newUntypedWorkflowStub(
workflowType = "EchoWorkflow",
options = ZWorkflowOptions

_ <- echoWorkflow.start("HELLO THERE")
_ <- echoWorkflow.signal("signalSomething")
// get result
result <- echoWorkflow.result[String]
} yield ()