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Generic workflows

In order to define Workflow interfaces with type parameters, it's required to follow some guidelines.

Let's start with some basic imports that will be required for the whole demonstration:

import zio._
import zio.temporal._
import zio.temporal.worker._
import zio.temporal.workflow._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

Ensure correct serialization setup​

ZIO-Temporal is build on top of Java SDK and runs on JVM, which brings some limitations, such as type erasure.
Imagine a workflow interface with unconstrained type parameters:

trait BadGenericWorkflow[Input] {

def process(input: Input): Unit

def executeBadWorkflow[Input](
stub: ZWorkflowStub.Of[BadGenericWorkflow[Input]]
)(input: Input): TemporalIO[Unit] =

Invoking such a workflow will likely fail in runtime. Therefore, ZIO-Temporal provides a meaningful warning when executing such a workflow:

[warn] BadGenericWorkflow.scala:20:26: method process parameter `input` type `Input` will be erased to java.lang.Object in runtime!
[warn] It would likely cause an error because Temporal client requires more specific type information for deserialization
[warn] Hint: if `Input` is a type parameter of the workflow interface, provide an upper-bound for the type parameter
[warn] ZWorkflowStub.execute(

To avoid possible issues:

  1. Define a common parent type for possible workflow inputs
  2. Specify the upper-bound type in the workflow interface

This is how proper jackson-serialized types look like

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.{JsonSubTypes, JsonTypeInfo}

// NOTE: jackson (de)serialization won't work without additional annotations
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
new JsonSubTypes.Type(value = classOf[Drink.Soda], name = "Soda"),
new JsonSubTypes.Type(value = classOf[Drink.Juice], name = "Juice")
sealed trait Drink
object Drink {
case class Soda(kind: String) extends Drink
case class Juice(kind: String, volume: Int) extends Drink

Define workflow interfaces properly​

This is how the proper workflow looks like:

// Intentionally missing the @workflowInterface annotation
trait DrinksWorkflows[DInput <: Drink] {

def process(input: DInput): Unit

Let's define 2 concrete workflow interfaces:

trait SodaWorkflow extends DrinksWorkflows[Drink.Soda]

trait JuiceWorkflow extends DrinksWorkflows[Drink.Juice]

And simple implementations:

class SodaWorkflowImpl extends SodaWorkflow {
override def process(input: Drink.Soda): Unit =
println(s"Simple soda: $input")

class JuiceWorkflowImpl extends JuiceWorkflow {
override def process(input: Drink.Juice): Unit =
println(s"Simple juice: $input")

Now they can be used easily:

def executeWorkflow[DInput <: Drink](
stub: ZWorkflowStub.Of[DrinksWorkflows[DInput]]
)(input: DInput): TemporalIO[Unit] =

ZIO.serviceWithZIO[ZWorkflowClient] { client =>
for {
// Create stubs
sodaWorkflow <- client.newWorkflowStub[SodaWorkflow](

juiceWorkflow <- client.newWorkflowStub[JuiceWorkflow](

_ <- executeWorkflow(sodaWorkflow)(Drink.Soda("Coke"))
_ <- executeWorkflow(juiceWorkflow)(Drink.Juice("Orange", volume = 2))
} yield ()

Working with workflows as generics​

Here goes a tricky example. Let's start with a simple parent workflow which will then run workflows above:

// Intentionally missing the @workflowInterface annotation
trait DrinkFactory {
def processDrinks(count: Int): Unit

It's supposed to be 2 implementations of DrinkFactory: for Soda and Juice. They will both need to invoke corresponding DrinkWorkflow.
In case you those workflows need to share some common logic, it could be extracted into an intermediate abstract class:

abstract class ParallelDrinkFactory[
DInput <: Drink,
DWorkflow <: DrinksWorkflows[DInput]: IsWorkflow: ClassTag
] extends DrinkFactory {

// Abstract method to be implemented by inheritors
protected def produceDrinks(count: Int): List[DInput]

override def processDrinks(count: Int): Unit = {
ZAsync.foreachPar(produceDrinks(count)) { input =>
// Polymorphically starts child workflows
val child = ZWorkflow.newChildWorkflowStub[DWorkflow](


Having this abstract class, we can define concrete workflow interfaces:

trait SodaFactory extends DrinkFactory

trait JuiceFactory extends DrinkFactory

And their implementations:

class SodaFactoryImpl 
extends ParallelDrinkFactory[Drink.Soda, SodaWorkflow]
with SodaFactory {

override protected def produceDrinks(count: Int): List[Drink.Soda] =
List.tabulate(count)(n => Drink.Soda(s"Coke #$n"))

class JuiceFactoryImpl
extends ParallelDrinkFactory[Drink.Juice, JuiceWorkflow]
with JuiceFactory {

override protected def produceDrinks(count: Int): List[Drink.Juice] =
List.tabulate(count)(n => Drink.Juice(s"Juice #$n", volume = n))


  • In ParallelDrinkFactory, it's required to specify the upper-bound type for DWorkflow
  • It's also required to have implicit IsWorkflow & ClassTag.
    • That's a witness that DWorkflow is actually a workflow interface.
    • Without those instance, ZIO-Temporal won't compile the code because it is potentially unsafe

Example error:

abstract class BadParentWorkflow[
DInput <: Drink,
// Ask for ClassTag, but not for IsWorkflow
DWorkflow <: DrinksWorkflows[DInput]: ClassTag
] {

// should not compile
private val child = ZWorkflow.newChildWorkflowStub[DWorkflow](
// error: DWorkflow is not a workflow.
// Workflow interface must have @workflowInterface annotation.
// Hint: if the workflow type is used as a type parameter,
// add implicit IsWorkflow[DWorkflow] do the class or method definition
// private val child = ZWorkflow.newChildWorkflowStub[DWorkflow](
// ^