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A Workflow can set a durable timer for a fixed time period. A Workflow can sleep for months.
Timers are persisted, so even if your Worker or Temporal Cluster is down when the time period completes, as soon as your Worker and Cluster are back up, the sleep() call will resolve and your code will continue executing.

Sleeping is a resource-light operation: it does not tie up the process, and you can run millions of Timers off a single Worker.

Using timers​

Let's start with some basic imports that will be required for the whole demonstration:

import zio._
import zio.temporal._
import zio.temporal.workflow._
import zio.temporal.state._
import java.util.UUID

Then define workflow interfaces:

trait DumbPaymentWorkflow {
// Returns false if cancelled
def processPayment(amount: BigDecimal): Boolean

def cancel(): Unit

An example of a simple timer is ZWorkflow.sleep(<duration>):

class DumbPaymentWorkflowImpl extends DumbPaymentWorkflow {

private val isCancelled = ZWorkflowState.make(false)

override def processPayment(amount: BigDecimal): Boolean = {
// Give the customer time to change her mind:

// Do some stuff
// ...

override def cancel(): Unit = {
// Cancelled!
isCancelled := true

More complicated timer can wait for a condition to be met. It's called ZWorkflow.awaitUntil:

trait BetterPaymentWorkflow {
// Returns true if confirmed
def processPayment(amount: BigDecimal): Boolean

def confirm(): Unit

class BetterPaymentWorkflowImpl extends BetterPaymentWorkflow {

private val isConfirmed = ZWorkflowState.make(false)

override def processPayment(amount: BigDecimal): Boolean = {
// Wait forever until the payment is confirmed
ZWorkflow.awaitUntil(isConfirmed =:= true)

// Do some stuff
// ...

override def confirm(): Unit = {
// Confirmed!
isConfirmed := true

Notes: (1) ZWorkflow.awaitUntil also accepts a timeout:

class EvenBetterPaymentWorkflowImpl extends BetterPaymentWorkflow {

private val isConfirmed = ZWorkflowState.make(false)

override def processPayment(amount: BigDecimal): Boolean = {
// Waits 10 minutes for the payment confirmation
// Unblocks whenever the condition is met
val wasConfirmed = ZWorkflow.awaitUntil(10.minutes)(
isConfirmed =:= true
// wasConfirmed = false in case if timed out
if (wasConfirmed) {
// Do some stuff
// ...

override def confirm(): Unit = {
// Confirmed!
isConfirmed := true

(2) There is also other variant of this timer called ZWorkflow.awaitWhile