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Temporal provides with ZTestActivityEnvironment that allows to run activities in a local test environment.
General business logic, as well Temporal functionality (such as Activity heartbeats) can be tested locally with the testkit.

Let's start with some basic imports that will be required for the whole demonstration:

import zio._
import zio.test._
import zio.temporal._
import zio.temporal.activity._
import zio.temporal.testkit._

Simple tests​

Imagine the following Activity interface:

trait EchoActivities {
def echo(what: String): String

class EchoActivitiesImpl(implicit options: ZActivityRunOptions[Any]) extends EchoActivities {
override def echo(what: String): String = {
.log(s"Echo message=$what")
.as(s"Echoed $what")

Here is an example of testing this activity:

object EchoActivitySpec extends ZIOSpecDefault {
override val spec = suite("EchoActivities")(
test("echoes message") {
ZTestActivityEnvironment.activityRunOptionsWithZIO[Any] { implicit options =>
for {
// Provide a "factory" method to construct the activity
_ <- ZTestActivityEnvironment.addActivityImplementation(new EchoActivitiesImpl)
// Get the activity stub
stub <- ZTestActivityEnvironment.newActivityStub[EchoActivities](
// Invoke the activity
result = stub.echo("hello")
// Test your code
} yield assertTrue(result == "Echoed hello")
) @@ TestAspect.withLiveClock


  • ZTestActivityEnvironment companion object has a plenty of methods to configure the test environment
    • ZTestActivityEnvironment.activityRunOptions[R] provides with ZActivityRunOptions needed to run ZIO inside activities
    • ZTestActivityEnvironment.activityRunOptionsWithZIO[R] allows building a ZIO accessing ZActivityRunOptions (like ZIO.serviceWithZIO for ZIO environment)
    • ZTestActivityEnvironment.addActivityImplementation populates the test environment with Activity implementations
    • ZTestActivityEnvironment.newActivityStub returns a stub for testing
  • Unlike real Activity stubs, those returned by ZTestActivityEnvironment run locally. Therefore, its methods can be called directly (without wrapping into ZActivityStub.execute)
  • It's recommended to use TestAspect.withLiveClock in your tests to avoid hanging tests
    • It may happen because both zio-test & temporal-testkit use their own virtual clock

Testing heartbeats​

Activities using heartbeats might be tested as well. ZTestActivityEnvironment allows setting heartbeat details before running the activity.
With this feature, it's possible to check whether the Activity successfully recovers from the previous "checkpoint":

Imagine the following activity:

import io.temporal.client.ActivityCompletionException
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

trait FibonacciHeartbeatActivity {
// Let's assume that calculating fibonacci numbers takes some time...
def fibonacciSum(n: Int): BigDecimal

object FibonacciHeartbeatActivityImpl {
case class HeartbeatDetails(sum: BigDecimal, curr: Int, prev: Int, step: Int)

// The counter is needed for demo purposes
class FibonacciHeartbeatActivityImpl(iterationsCounter: AtomicInteger)(
implicit options: ZActivityRunOptions[Any]
) extends FibonacciHeartbeatActivity {

import FibonacciHeartbeatActivityImpl.HeartbeatDetails

override def fibonacciSum(n: Int): BigDecimal = {
val context = ZActivity.executionContext

// Iteration loop
def iter(
sum: BigDecimal,
curr: Int, // current fibonacci number
prev: Int, // previous fibonacci number
step: Int // the iteration
): IO[ActivityCompletionException, BigDecimal] =
if (step >= n) ZIO.succeed(sum)
for {
// Performs heartbeats
_ <- context.heartbeat(HeartbeatDetails(sum, curr, prev, step))
_ <- ZIO.logInfo("Sleep...")
// Some delays for demo purposes
_ <- ZIO.sleep((50 * step).millis)
_ = iterationsCounter.incrementAndGet()
newStep = step + 1
newPrev = curr
newCurr = curr + prev
newSum = sum + curr
res <- iter(newSum, newCurr, newPrev, newStep)
} yield res

for {
// Recovers the previous heartbeat details
heartbeatDetails <- context.getHeartbeatDetails[HeartbeatDetails]
progress = heartbeatDetails.getOrElse(
HeartbeatDetails(sum = 0, curr = 1, prev = 0, step = 0)
res <- iter(progress.sum, progress.curr, progress.prev, progress.step)
} yield res

You can now simply test that the activity uses heartbeats:

object FibonacciHeartbeatActivityActivitySpec extends ZIOSpecDefault {
override val spec = suite("FibonacciHeartbeatActivity")(
test("performs heartbeats message") {
ZTestActivityEnvironment.activityRunOptionsWithZIO[Any] { implicit options =>
// Initialize a fresh counter
val numIterations = new AtomicInteger()
for {
_ <- ZTestActivityEnvironment.addActivityImplementation(new FibonacciHeartbeatActivityImpl(numIterations))
stub <- ZTestActivityEnvironment.newActivityStub[FibonacciHeartbeatActivity](
// Set heartbeat details as if 3 iterations were performed
_ <- ZTestActivityEnvironment.setHeartbeatDetails(
sum = 4,
curr = 3,
prev = 2,
step = 3
// Calculating takes 5 iterations
result = stub.fibonacciSum(5)
} yield {
assertTrue(result == 12) &&
// Performs only 2 iterations
assertTrue(numIterations.get() == 2)
) @@ TestAspect.withLiveClock


  • ZTestActivityEnvironment.setHeartbeatDetails sets the heartbeat details before the activity is invoked
  • Activity implementation will pick up the specified heartbeat details once run