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One of the primary things that Workflows do is orchestrate the execution of Activities.
While Workflows are deterministic (e.g. without side effects), activities are normal functions/methods that may interact with the real world.
Refer to Temporal documentation for more information regarding the concept of activities.

Defining activities​

Let's start with some basic imports that will be required for the whole demonstration:

import zio._
import zio.temporal._
import zio.temporal.worker._
import zio.temporal.workflow._
import zio.temporal.activity._

import java.util.UUID

A simple activity definition consists of the following parts:

  • A Scala trait with one or more abstract methods
  • The trait itself should be annotated with @activityInterface
  • Methods could be optionally annotated with @activityMethod
trait BookingActivity {
def bookFlight(name: String, surname: String, flightNumber: String): UUID /*Booking ID*/

def purchaseFlight(bookingId: UUID, cardId: UUID): UUID /*Booking ID*/

Implementing simple workflows is as simple as just plain interfaces:

class BookingActivityImpl extends BookingActivity {
override def bookFlight(name: String, surname: String, flightNumber: String): UUID = {
println(s"Booking flight no #$flightNumber for $name $surname")

override def purchaseFlight(bookingId: UUID, cardId: UUID): UUID = {
println(s"Purchased the booking $bookingId")

ZIO Temporal also provides you an option to run arbitrary ZIO code inside the activity!

class BookingActivityZIOImpl(implicit options: ZActivityRunOptions[Any]) extends BookingActivity {
override def bookFlight(name: String, surname: String, flightNumber: String): UUID = { {
for {
_ <- ZIO.log(s"Booking flight no #$flightNumber for $name $surname")
bookingId <- ZIO.randomWith(_.nextUUID)
} yield bookingId

override def purchaseFlight(bookingId: UUID, cardId: UUID): UUID = { {
for {
_ <- ZIO.log(s"Purchased the booking $bookingId")
} yield bookingId

Important notes regarding ZIO example:

  • In order to run ZIO inside the activity, it's required for the activity to have an implicit ZActivityRunOptions available.
  • ZActivityRunOptions[+R] contains the following:
    • zio.Runtime[+R] instance allowing to run the ZIO itself
    • ActivityCompletionClient instance which allows to complete the Activity asynchronously
    • Those, the Activity method execution won't block on the worker, allowing to utilize resources better.

Using activities inside workflows​

Using activities is pretty straightforward: you could invoke activity methods inside your workflows just as plain Scala functions.
The only difference is how you create activities.

Let's start by defining a simple workflow:

trait BookingWorkflow {
def bookFlight(name: String, surname: String, flightNumber: String, cardId: UUID): UUID /*Booking ID*/

Then you implement it the same way as usual:

class BookingWorkflowImpl extends BookingWorkflow {
private val bookingActivity: ZActivityStub.Of[BookingActivity] =

override def bookFlight(name: String, surname: String, flightNumber: String, cardId: UUID): UUID = {
val bookingId = ZActivityStub.execute(
bookingActivity.bookFlight(name, surname, flightNumber)
bookingActivity.purchaseFlight(bookingId, cardId)

Unlike usual composition with constructor parameters, Temporal requires you to create dependencies via its library API.
In this case, we create an instance of ZActivityStub.Of[BookingActivity] via ZWorkflow.newActivityStub method. The method accepts the Activity interface type (but not the implementation).
It's also mandatory to provide at least the start to close timeout, which we'll cover later.

Important notes:

  • ZWorkflow.newActivityStub provides you a stub which communicates to Temporal cluster in order to invoke activities
    • The method requires specifying the Activity Interface type and ZActivityOptions
  • You must always wrap the activity method invocation into ZActivityStub.execute method.
    • The ZActivityStub.Of[BookingActivity] is a compile-time stub, so actual method invocations are only valid in compile-time
    • bookingActivity.bookFlight(name, surname, flightNumber) invocation would be re-written into an untyped Temporal's activity invocation (see activity Execution doc)
    • A direct method invocation will throw an exception
  • The ZActivityStub is basically a proxy, which executes the Activity (via Temporal cluster or locally in case of newLocalActivityStub)
  • Activity method invocation result is persisted into a journal (e.g. database like Postgres etc.)
  • Persisting the result allows the workflow to retry in case of any failures, starting from the closest successful activity invocation
  • We'll cover retries later

NOTE: Do not annotate activity stubs with the activty interface type. It must be ZActivityStub.Of[BookingActivity].
Otherwise, you'll get a compile-time error:

def doSomething(bookingActivity: BookingActivity): UUID =
ZActivityStub.execute(bookingActivity.bookFlight("John", "Doe", "4242"))
// error: ZActivityStub.execute must be used only with typed ZActivityStub.Of[A],
// but repl.MdocSession.MdocApp.BookingActivity found. Perhaps you added an explicit type annotation?
// The actual type must be ZActivityStub.Of[repl.MdocSession.MdocApp.BookingActivity]
// ZActivityStub.execute(bookingActivity.bookFlight("John", "Doe", "4242"))
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Adding activities into the worker​

Providing activity implementations is done when defining the worker instance. It's pretty easy to provide the implementation: it could be done via ZIO's standard dependency injection mechanism:

val worker: URLayer[BookingActivity with ZWorkerFactory, Unit] =
ZLayer.fromZIO {
ZWorkerFactory.newWorker("booking") @@
ZWorker.addActivityImplementationService[BookingActivity] @@
ZWorker.addWorkflow[BookingWorkflow].from(new BookingWorkflowImpl)

The activity could be created as follows:

val activityLayer: URLayer[ZActivityRunOptions[Any], BookingActivity] =
ZLayer.fromFunction(new BookingActivityZIOImpl()(_: ZActivityRunOptions[Any]))

... and then somewhere you build your program:

val program = ???

// ... All the temporal dependencies
ZActivityRunOptions.default, // default ZActivityOptions
activityLayer // The activity implementation